Tuesday, April 28, 2009

History of Fazilka Lok Sabha Seat


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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Meet Fazilite : Mr Sudhir Dhingra - C.M.D. Orient Craft Limited

Born on the 17th day of March 1948 in Fazilka-Punjab in a warm loving simple family. Mr. Dhingra studied in Fazilka and did Bachelor of Arts in the year 1968 from Govt. College for boys (Chandigarh) and in pursuit to follow his father's footsteps, did his LLB in 1971 from, The Law College -Punjab University, Chandigarh. A law graduate came to Delhi with a dream & vision in the year 1972 and started Orient Craft Limited in the year 1978 as a small garment unit, in Hauz Rani, Delhi, with just four people on board anufacturing 1000 shirts, the company today has a capacity of more than 100,000pcs/day of woven and knitted garments and is the largest employment generator in the State of Haryana employing about 25,000 people. Mr. Dhingra recalls the advice of his late father who told him to always remain focused and never look back. Mr. Dhingra is also an Executive Member of the Advisory committee of AEPC (Apparel export promotion council) and an active member of many reputed associations such as FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM, CIAe, CMAI, besides variousgovernment ministries. Mr. Dhingra appears confident of his company's ability to deliver consistently and to remain the Numero Uno in the market.
Navdeep Asija

Fazilka Girl created history…..

This must be great news for people of our town that Medical student Gurpreet Kaur Medical of Armed forces Medical College, Pune who hails from Fazilka Town, won the prestigious President's Gold Medal. She was awarded the same on the passing out Prade of 2008 Medical Batch, held at Armed Force Medical College, Pune. This year out of 43 academics awards 28 were bagged by girl students only. Gurpreet did her basic schooling for Sacred Heart Convent School Fazilka.

She surpassed her 102 fellow cadets to win the prestigious President's Gold Medal. This award has been given for the best all-round outgoing medical cadet of the year 2008.

Rejoicing her success story, she said, "Initially, I wanted to join the armed forces as fighter pilot and my father wanted me to be a doctor and after getting selected in the AFMC and becoming an officer today, both these dreams have come true." Gurpreet is the first in her families to serve the Defense force. Gurpreet dedicated this award to her family especially her father. Her Father is working with Industrial Training Institute, Fazilka and her one elder sister is already a doctor.

She will be posted at Military College, Jalandhar to complete her internship, where she is keener to work in the pediatric department.

Fazilka town has given few outstanding doctors to the world and Padam-vibhushan Dr. Jagjit Chopra, founder principal of Govt Medical College, Chandigarh and world famous neurologist, we can name at top amongst all. Lieutenant (Dr.) Gurpreet is next addition to this medical-tradition.

On the occasion of "Fazilka Heritage Festival-2009", going to be held in the month of April, GWAF will honor Gurpreet on a special event dedicated to 'Women of Fazilka", for bringing laurels to the name of this small town with her outstanding contribution in the field of medicine. Noorjahan, Padamshri Pushpa Hans, Maharashtra Cadre IPS officer Meera Chadha Borwankar, Mandira Bedi are the renowned female achievers of this small town we can name them. Surely Doctor Gurpreet is next name to it who is going to be flag bearer to carry forward the unmatched legacy of this small town. We the citizen of this India's smallest big town congratulate Gurpreet for her success and we wish her quality and successful life ahead. On the occasion of World's Women day, this is an advance gift to the citizen of Fazilka and entire Punjab by Lieutenant (Dr.) Gurpreet Kaur.


Navdeep Asija
Fazilka - 152123

Fazilka: Upcoming Energy Hub of Punjab

Fazilka: Many might not have even thought about this, but this small town confronted with political ignorance from the state government would now be able to regain its lost glory, all thanks to the new addition to its geography named, Energy. In future this town would be known as "Energy hub of Punjab". Something knowingly and unknowingly which had happened over the past five years is going to make this possible.

The border city of Fazilka first shot into prominence form a period of oblivion when it was selected as the first Asian town for adopting the best energy saving practices to fight against global warming by Czech Republic Magazine Magazine[1] "Carbuster" in its 32nd issue. The focus of the magazine centering around 'faith and environment' mentioned how in order to curb the effect of global warming, religious messages quoted in Sri Guru Granth Sahib were installed at various palces.

On the occasion of Fazilka heritage festival 2007, another feather got adorned in the cap of this city when Fazilka pioneereed and promoted the use of CFL lamps in the city. The entire CFL electric dealer decided to sell CFL on no profit and no loss basis[2].

Within a year of this biggest international recognition the U.S.-backed $3.5 billion Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project deal signed in Pakistan got a fillip too. Infact it was on this historic day that the 10th steering committee of oil ministers from Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India agreed to start construction work on the much-delayed TAPI pipeline project in 2010.  The pipeline which will be 1,420 mm in diameter will have a capacity of 33 billion cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas annually to fulfill the energy needs of the country.

However, this is not where it ended all. After adopting best energy saving practices in all spheres of life, how could agriculture be ignored? And the answers to this speculation were put to rest with the setting up of first agriculture call centre[3] by a group of wise farmers of Fazilka where farmers could discuss their agriculture related problems to increase their profitability. To improve the condition of farmes further, another son of the soil, Mr Vikram Ahuja is credited with establishing the first agricultural equipment bank facility here. The bank provides state of the art international facility in the form of agriculture equipment like laser leveler, soil tensiometer especially for small farmers, who cannot afford to buy all these equipments. Malwa Water Management System developed by Mr Ahuja  is going to save 7.5 billion liter of fresh water in agriculture.

Indian Defense forces have also played an important role in the prosperity of this town. Indian Army last year planted more than 10,000 trees along with the progressive farmers of this region, who also gifted more than 3000 'sheesham' samplings.

After agriculture, it was time to dare something new with the painstaking Transportation system. Fazilka showcased to the world a unique public transport system through the erstwhile cycle rickshaw[4]. This system was designed to promote the use of rickshaw as mode of public transport system, where the average trip length in the city is less than 3 km.  Call centers were installed across the city to make rickshaw phone call away named ECOCABS. This concept was perfect amalgamation of tradition and digital empowerment which was indeed well taken by the rest of the world.

Within couple of years, citizen of this small town made thier importance on international map. This further attracted some global players when Moser Baer Photovoltaic Ltd[5] who in association with The Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) made an announcement to install 5 MW solar energy plant in Fazilka.

Couple of years and India's smallest big town made its appearance in all the areas of energy saving like transportation, religion, agriculture, electric and solar energy.  Indeed "where there is a will, there is way' can be at best suited to Fazilka and its people. While the government was busy  developing a few cities of Punjab like Mohali, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala and Amritsar, this small township of backward region of Fazilka was being empowered by its residents setting new trends for many Indian cities who are still looking forward for help after independence from their state governments.

Navdeep Asija
Fazilka - 152123

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

About Fazilka

The 164 year old historic town of Fazilka in the District Ferozepur, also known as Bangla (the first political officer stationed in this area was Mr.Vans Agnew. He built a bungalow near the horse-shoe lake at Badha and the place came to be known as bangla,a new name given to the new establishment by the people) It is located in southwestern Punjab (INDIA), about 325 km west of Punjab State Capital Chandigarh, 85 km south-west of the district headquarters, Ferozepur and 200 km south of Amritsar. Fazilka is near the India-Pakistan border which is 11 km away. It is situated on the rice growing and cotton rich belt of the state and is one of the major rice exporting centers in India. Before partition, the town was the biggest wool market in undivided Punjab.

Fazilka's origin dates back to AD 1844. It was established by Mr. Vans Agnew and was christened after the original owner of the land, Mian Fazil Watoo.A payment of Rs 144 and annas eight was paid to his descendants in 1877 from panchayat fund and named the place after Mian Fazil Watoo(Lambardar)as FAZILKA. Being at the border, Fazilka also had to bear the brunt of India-Pakistan partition in 1947 and the two Indo-Pak wars of 1965 and 1971. After the death of Mr Agnew Mr Oliver of East India Company took over as station in charge at Fazilka.
Courtesy : www.lovefazilka.esmartweb.com

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